Login and create account

By creating an account, you can use it even more conveniently!


  1. You can smoothly select the delivery address and payment method when placing your order.
  2. Your email address will be verified, so you can be sure to receive order confirmation emails and shipping notification emails.
  3. You will be able to change your address on the site.
  4. You can check your past order history and shipping status on the site.

How to create an account

  1. Access account creation page
  2. Enter item
  3. Select "Create"
  4. Complete
  5. You will receive an email. *If you do not receive it, there may be a problem with the reception settings of your email address. Please change your settings so that you can receive info.simplesidemascots@gmail.com.

How to log in

  1. Select "☰" at the top left of the site (*for smartphones)
  2. Select "Login" at the bottom
  3. Enter your email address and password
  4. Select login